9:30 am - The Collateral Effects of Special Tariffs on Traditional Trade and Customs Issues
- Elizabeth J. Drake - Section 232 Duties in AD Proceedings
- Deanna Tanner Okun - The Intersection of Special Tariffs and the ITC
- Michael S. O'Rourke - The Usual Suspects
11:00 am - Navigating Rules of Origin in the New Trade Environment
- Monika Brenner - Navigating Rules of Origin in the New Trade Environment
- Jason M. Kenner - A Brief Overview of Several Decisions Discussing Substantial Transformation
- Jeremy Page - Determining Origin in a Predetermined World: The Impact of Energizer Battery
- Jeffrey Whalen - Industry Perspectives
11:00 am - Scope Endgame
2:30 pm - Putting the (i) in CIT: The Contours of the Court's Residual Jurisdiction
- Daniel J. Calhoun - Legislative History of 28 U.S.C. §1581(i)
- Patricia M. McCarthy - Section 1581(i) Cases of Note
- Russell A. Semmel - The Importer Doth Protest Too Much: Reconciling the Residual Jurisdiction of the U.S. Court of International Trade
- Maureen E. Thorson - Cases Susceptible to §1581(i) Jurisdiction
2:30 pm - CBPs Enforcement Effects in Collaboration with Other Agencies
- Alexandra (Sasha) Khrebtukova - Balancing Trade and Economic Security
- Andritz Sundwig GMBH v. United States, TXSD Juy 2, 2018
- Lawrence M. Friedman - CBP Penalty Process
- Andritz Sundwig GMBH v. United States, 322 F. Supp. 3d 1360
- Andritz Sundwig GMBH v. United States, Slip Opinion 18-74
- EO 13659 - Streamlining the Export Import Process for America's Businesses
- Rosenstein Memo - Policy on Coordination of Corporate Resolution Penalties
- Rosenstein Remarks to the NYC White Collar Crime Bar
- VW Settlement