This page provides a brief overview of the virtual court proceeding options available to counsel at the United States Court of International Trade.
VIDEO CONFERENCE Microsoft Teams is available for users both inside and outside the court family. In addition to allowing participants to see and hear each other, Microsoft Teams provides the participants with an option to display materials from their computers during proceedings. Confidential and non-confidential court proceedings closed to the public may be recorded by the Court directly using Microsoft Teams. If, however, the judge permits members of the public to listen to a non-confidential court proceeding, you will have to mute the audio in Microsoft Teams. The audio and recording of the audio for such proceedings will be arranged by the Court using AT&T Executive Services running in parallel with Microsoft Teams. Counsel may download and use the web application via their browser or install the free basic client. The free application can also be installed from the iOS or Android App Store. Cisco WebEx is available for users both inside and outside the court family. In addition to allowing participants to see each other, Cisco WebEx provides the participants with an option to display materials from their computers. WebEx also provides a dial-in number for participants who do not have a webcam or only wish to participate via audio. TELECONFERENCE AT&T Executive Services is used for non-confidential proceedings in which the judge has permitted members of the public to listen to the proceeding. Up to twenty case participants, including the Judge, chambers’ staff, parties and the Case Manager, are allowed to speak during the proceeding while up to five hundred people may register for listen-only access. AT&T Teleconference Services is used for both confidential and non-confidential proceedings in which the judge has not permitted members of the public to listen to the proceeding. Up to five hundred case participants, including the Judge, chambers’ staff, parties and the Case Manager, are allowed to speak during the proceeding. If you have any questions, please contact the Case Manager assigned to the presiding judge in your case. |