All of the slip opinions and judgments on our web site are in Portable Document Format (PDF). This is a format which retains the look of the original document and is an open standard viewable on most computer platforms. We strongly recommend using the latest version of the Adobe Acrobat Reader software, which is available as a free download for Windows, Linux and Macintosh from Adobe’s website. The latest version of Acrobat Reader typically addresses known incompatibilities between earlier versions of Acrobat Reader and Microsoft Internet Explorer. If you are unsure of the version of either Internet Explorer or Acrobat Reader, you can find out by launching the application and selecting About... from the Help menu.
In addition, we have observed that a feature in Acrobat Reader is incompatible with a small number of our PDF documents. It is very easy to fix by changing an option in Acrobat Reader's preferences:
- Launch the Acrobat Reader application.
- Select Preferences from the Edit menu.
- In the window that appears, there are several categories of preferences in the pane on the left.
- Select "Internet" You will see a number of options on the right side of the window.
- If the option called Allow Fast web viewing is checked, then un-check it by clicking your mouse pointer on the checkbox.
- Click OK and you should be able to view the slip opinion without trouble.